Monday, november 14We continued work on the ABC's of Mesopotamia project today.
tuesday, november 14Last day on the ABC's of Mesopotamia and students should begin completing the Review Worksheet I handed out today in anticipation of the test on Chapters 3 and 4 this Thursday.
WEdnesday, november 14We reviewed Chapters 3 and 4 and then did a Quizlet Live, here's that Quizlet if you'd like to study it for tomorrow's test:
thursday/Friday, 11/15 & 11/16After the test, feel free to help your group CREATE your SLIDESHOW for the ABC's of Mesopotamia. The steps are here to the RIGHT. Also, feel free to check out these videos and learn a little bit more about our 5 Mesopotamian Empires. More about the Cyrus Cylinder: Read here: Watch here: More on the empires! More on the empires! |
Click on the Calendar to find the homework!