IN CLASS... Monday, 2/29/16
I was out sick, sorry!!!! Students began by watching a video about Hebrew Beliefs. Then, we created a Google Slide on the 10 Commandments.
tuesday, 3/8/16
Students read Chapter 10, lesson 2 and then answered the Review Questions at the end of the lesson. This lesson shows the Hebrew Kingdom from the first 3 kings, Saul, David, and Solomon, to the splitting of the kingdom and subsequent conquest by the Assyrians and Babylonians. If they didn't finish, it was homework. MAKE SURE TO WRITE ANSWERS OUT IN FULL SENTENCES!!!! If not written out, no points will be awarded.
wednesday, 3/9/16
Students took notes on a worksheet for Chapter 10, lesson 3 which documents the story of the Jews from the times of Syrian invasions and the Maccabee revolt to the Romans conquering and ultimately destroying the 2nd temple causing them to disperse around the world (the Diaspora).
thursday/friday 3/10 & 3/11
Students began a project to review the entire chapter about Judaism and the Ancient Hebrew Kingdoms. We are doing a timeline of the events covered in our textbook. The dates are: 1800 B.C., 1500 B.C., 1020 B.C., 1000 B.C., 962 B.C., 922 B.C., 722 B.C., 612 B.C., 586 B.C., 539 B.C., 515 B.C., 198 B.C., 164 B.C., 63 B.C., 66 A.D., 70 A.D.
The choices for this timeline are to create a page about each date on Book Creator, Powtoon, Google Slides, Comic Life, or to create a podcast telling about this Jewish timeline and covering each of these important dates.
The choices for this timeline are to create a page about each date on Book Creator, Powtoon, Google Slides, Comic Life, or to create a podcast telling about this Jewish timeline and covering each of these important dates.