IN CLASS... Monday, 10/19/15 |
We took Cornell Notes on Chapter 3, lesson 1 and began to discover how the world's first civilization came to be in the region of Mesopotamia. The concepts of agriculture, irrigation, rivers and flooding were all discussed in addition to the importance of growing surplus wheat to survive unpredictable flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. No homework tonight, but if anyone didn't finish the notes, I'm posting the Powerpoint below :)
Have a happy Monday! ![]()
TUESDAYToday, we began our Mesopotamia Map in class and students were to complete the map for homework. If you need the textbook pages, I posted them in the Textbook section :)
WEDNESDAYWe worked in collaborative groups today. Each student chose one trait of civilization (there are 5) and their group of 5 students created a Google Presentation on those 5 traits of civilization.
The presentation explained what that trait was, one example of it in Sumer, and one example in the United States. Instructions are on Edmodo so if you missed today, you can make your own -- I even created a Google Presentation template that students made a copy of so that they could COPY that and share with their group to create the presentation TOGETHER. :) |
THURS/FRIDAYStudents spent the first 15 minutes of class finishing their 3 Google Slides from yesterday. Once finished, each group shared their collective work to my Google Drive.
We then reviewed the Vocabulary from Chapter 3, lesson 2 to make sure we understood the other facets of this lesson. Polytheism, Ziggurat, Sumer, and Civilization are all critical concepts to Lesson 2. Then, students began to create a film strip about the Invention of Writing. They used my World History books from class to complete this so I am posting a copy of that page below. We ended class with a Kahoot mini-quiz to check their understanding. ![]()