Technology in the classroom
Here at Thurston, we are super lucky to have great resources in the area of technology. I have a class set of iPads and several iMacs that we use in the creative process but also to enhance our research skills, collaborate online, and improve our 21st Century tech skills. Edmodo is my main LMS that makes it very easy to send content to my students, collaborate, communicate and deliver online homework assignments too.
Technology: This is an exciting time right now in education. Since the explosion of the internet, there has been an evolution of personal devices (cell phones, ipods, etc.) where advanced technology is in the hands of the masses. As teachers, we understand that technology is the common language of our students and it is imperative that we infuse this valuable resource in the classroom.
It can be a rocky road developing lessons that are not merely using the "novelty" of technology. There is a sizable difference between using technology for "technology's sake" and implementing technology for maximum educational benefit. My goal is that the technology I use in the classroom will be consistent with BEST PRACTICES and give students unparalleled access to a dynamic curriculum. |
"the great aim of education is
Common Core: As we know, there are no silver bullet solutions to employing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in our classrooms. However, technology such as iPads will prove to be a valuable partner for student success. The standards focus on improving student reading and literacy but let's not forget that they call for increased student independence and skills in navigating and processing online media.
Common Core will demand that teachers focus more on the "process" and less on simply teaching the "content". As we head down this avenue, personalized learning will be vital. Creating dynamic environments in the classroom will mandate the use of engaging, inspiring and transformative applications. In the ideal, students will have regular opportunities to use technology to read, research, create, write and connect with other students and ideas. |