Monday, 6/5/17We will finish our Google Slide today! If you don't finish in class, do for homework...
when you finish check out these cool videos! Please LOG IN to EdPuzzle and watch the videos I posted about ROME. tuesday, 6/6/17We worked on Chapter 13, lesson 4 notes together as a class to begin and then students finished that in class and had extra time to work on their Chapter 13 Review Worksheet study guide.
Remember, the Review Worksheet isn't due until Thurs/Friday, the day of the test.
wednesday, 6/7/17Today, we completed a fill in the blank Ancient Rome Rap song in collaborative groups and then each group took a section to memorize and bring to life in case we have time to record these!
Thurs/Fri 6/8 & 6/9Take the test on Chapter 13 and then begin Chapter 14 by reading Chapter 14, lesson 1 and completing the REVIEW questions 1 thru 7 on page 471. Then students completed a worksheet about Jesus Christ and watched these following videos......
Click on the Calendar to find the homework!