Monday, 2/13/17We took notes on Chapter 10, lesson 1 in our new Chapter on the Hebrew people. This was completed on one sideof a worksheet.
Homework was to use a map worksheet to MAP all the events of Lesson 1 on a map of the Middle East. tuesday, 2/28/17Students used the time to finish the Judaism Timeline on the back side of their Monday notes worksheet. If they had extra time, they began creating an Early Judaism Timeline on either Google Slides or on the iPad App Book Creator
wednesday, 2/8/17Students used the time to continue creating their Early Judaism Timeline on the iPad App Book Creator or Google Slide...
Thurs/Fri 2/9 & 2/10Students finished their EARLY JUDAISM TIMELINE on Book Creator (or google slide) and turned in on Edmodo.
Then, PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY AND IN ORDER: 1. READ the Moses worksheet 2. READ the Moses worksheet quietly aloud to yourself 3. Complete the questions on the Moses worksheet on your DEVICE or on a separate sheet of paper....FULL SENTENCES. DO NOT START THE SENTENCE WITH THEY OR IT OR BECAUSE. 4.READ the PRIMARY SOURCE (Exodus) handout from the book of Exodus in the Torah SILENTLY 5. Watch the PREVIEW VIDEO below... 6. Then, watch VIDEO #1 and answer the question on your Google Form. 7. Then, watch VIDEO #2 and answer the question on your Google Form 8. Then, watch VIDEO #3 and answer the question on the Google Form 9. Then, watch the JUDAISM REVIEW video |
Click on the Calendar to find the homework!